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Breakfast/ Dairy Free/ Vegan/ Vegetarian

Clean Eating Strawberry & Banana Protein Smoothie

I’m a little bit obsessed with bananas right now. I haven’t eaten bananas for about 18 years since I found out that they triggered my migraines. Living without bananas is pretty easy but they are often the base of many smoothies since they add sweetness and volume.

I have done lots of research over the years to see if I could find any loop holes that would allow me to eat my food triggers but without the migraine and I have definitely struck gold when it comes to bananas.

I am sensitive to the compound Tyramine. Tyramine is produced by the breakdown of the amino acid tyrosine and that triggers my migraines. Tyramine is found in aged and fermented foods, cured meats and over ripe fruits among other things. I knew that eating a ripe banana was a recipe for a migraine but I started to wonder about bananas that were not over ripe.

I have successfully reintroduced bananas into my diet that are still slightly green on the top and bottom and I haven’t had a migraine. YAY! Once I’ve peeled the banana I also use a potato peeler to take off the first layer on the banana (Yes, I peel a peeled banana) because I also read that the tyramine levels are the highest in the banana peel and it is wise to avoid the stringy bits that lay close to the inside of the peel. Sounds strange, it is strange but it works for me!

This smoothie is a great way to start your day. It contains a great balance of complex carbohydrates, protein and healthy fat and tastes sweet and delicious. I used a mix of brown rice milk and water but feel free to use any milk and or water combination you like.

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Clean Eating Strawberry & Banana Protein Smoothie

Clean Eating Strawberry & Banana Protein Smoothie

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  • Yield: 1 Servings

This smoothie is a great way to start your day. It contains a great balance of complex carbohydrates, protein and healthy fat and tastes sweet and delicious.



  1. Place all of the ingredients into a blender or smoothie maker.
  2. Blend until smooth.
  3. Serve immediately.

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